Sunday, December 20, 2009

Set time zone on Ubuntu

Here the CLI :
as root or sudo

dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Upgrade / updating CentOS 5.3

here some step upgrade and update for CentOS 5.3 (Work for Me!!)

# yum clean all
# yum update

# yum upgrade

# reboot

or you can upgrade your kernel using

# yum upgrade kernel


# reboot

updating package :

yum list updates {package-name}
yum list updates 'package-name*'
yum list updates '*package-name*'


# yum list updates 'php*'
# yum list updates 'kernel*'

you can currently list your installed package by using

# rpm -q kernel

do multiple

# yum list installed 'kernel*' 'php*'

or update your kernel by using

# yum update kernel.i686

than reboot your box

That All!

To check CentOS Version

run this command :

cat /etc/redhat-release

Upgrade FreeBSD 7.2 to 8.0 using csup

I finally did it upgrade my box from 7.2 to 8.0
here some step for you guys

1 - Edit your supfile file

# cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile /root/supfile.8
# ee /root/supfile.8

find and change this line



*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_8_0

save n close this file

csup your box using this command
# csup /root/supfile.8

to build freebsd file system enter :

# cd /usr/src
# make cleanworld && make cleandir

if you have problem when you make cleanworld && make cleandir please csup using normal csup and than try back csup /root/supfile.8.

# make buildworld

after that build and install your new / custom kernel :

# make buildkernel
# make installkernel

after finish REBOOT your box and at bootloader section please choose 4 (single mode) to finish the upgrade.

after you login as a single user you will get something like this (/sbin/sh). For me i use this :


than mount

# mount -a -t ufs

and after that run mergemaster

# mergemaster -p

Be careful with /etc/passwd, /etc/group and other files in base system. Verify each file before installing new version or merging exiting configuration files.

than you need to install FreeBSD Base System

# cd /usr/src
# make installworld

after finish run :

# mergemaster -i

Be careful with /etc/passwd, /etc/group and other files in base system. Verify each file before installing new version or merging exiting configuration files.

after finish reboot your system

after finish start you box as usual. Please check your status :

# uname -a
# tail -f /var/log/messages

than upgrade your ports :

# portsnap fetch update
# vi /usr/ports/UPDATING
# portmaster -Da

than your box is up to date!

Thanks to nixcraft for the great article!