How To Rsync at Freebsd Using ssh.
You can install rsync using ports (Please to csup your ports 1st to get the new packages)
#cd /usr/ports/net/rsync/
#make config
#make && make install
Start to rsync.
i am only rsync forder usr/src.
#rsync -av -e "ssh -l admin" root@servername:/usr/src/ /usr/src/
After finish do not reboot, please re-compile.
** I recommended to csup the stable_supfile 1st before your compile your kernel.
#cd /usr/src
#make cleanworld && make cleandir
#make buildworld
#make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE' (default is GENERIC).
#make installworld
#make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE' (default is GENERIC).
Then start to rsync other folder.
Your can exclude any folder that you think not necessary.
I am rsync some folder such as boot or usr/src.
#rsync -av --exclude=/boot --exclude=/usr/src -e "ssh -l admin" root@servername:/ /
password will be prompted. Then enter password. wait until finish the rsync.
After finish
change ip address,hostname and vhost.
To change hostname.
#ee /etc/hosts
To change ip address
#ee /etc/rc.conf
to change vhost ** If you use it.
# ee /usr/local/etc/apache22/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
then reboot your server