Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Malaysian CVSup Mirror for FreeBSD and OpenBSD

mirror cvsup for malaysian people.

1. cvsup.free.MyBSD.org.my (untuk cvsup FreeBSD)
2. cvsup.open.MyBSD.org.my (untuk cvsup OpenBSD)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Change Hostname and network in Linux

In Linux, you can use command simply like this to change your hostname

shell#hostname nameyourhost

or directory store your hostname

shell#nano /etc/hosts
in Ubuntu
shell# nano /etc/hostname

in case to edit to static IP

in RHEL Interface for network locate at

nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/interface

in ubuntu

nano /etc/network/interface

add DNS in ubuntu / RHEL

nano /etc/resolv.conf

finally restart your network in linux

/etc/init.d/network restart

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Apache22 LDAP integration on FreeBSD

Finally I make it doing apache22 auth using LDAP

the solution

open your apache configuration httpd.conf and add this lines

Directory /path/directory/toauth>
Order deny,allow
Deny from All
AuthName "Please Login Using password"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicProvider ldap
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on
AuthLDAPURL ldap://xxx.xx.xxx.xx:389/
Require valid-user
Satisfy any

restart your apache

Community FreeBSD in Malaysia

For community FreeBSD in Malaysia.



Wednesday, June 24, 2009

To remove Parent Directory

Ok I already remove "Parent Directory" from Apache22 on BSD platform

- open your httpd.conf
- add this

Directory /data/yogya/>
IndexIgnore ..

- save and restart
- done

ps: please add < into the script directory.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Apache Aut

Apache authorised for single mode.

now I already done doing apache auth in single mod

here the step

edit http.conf
add the following line in http.conf

#apache permission testing
Directory /directory/to/auth/>
AllowOverride AuthConfig

ps: please put < at the begining of file Directory /directory/to/auth and /Directory because i cannot put right now because it will hidden that conf if i put < now.

Create a file /directory/to/auth/.htaccess in that director that looks something like this:

AuthName "Add your login message here."
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /directory/to/auth/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
require user name-of-user

after that create the file .htpasswd to /directory/to/auth/ (to store password for user)
after that run this htpasswd -c .htpasswd name-of-user
restart apache

done for single user

now I try to auth with LDAP and stil searching the conf. I will let share with you guys if my work done.

taken at : http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialApacheAddingLoginSiteProtection.html


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mergemaster Problem (FreeBsd 7.0 to 7.2)

after i doing mergemaster i can't login as user to root privileges.
mergemaster have change all my /etc/group

if this happen to you run this as root

pw usermod username -Gwheel

Copy a file

simple command cp

cp namefile newnamefile

here the command i use for copy a file

go to /usr/local/etc/folder
maybe inside the folder have 3 files.

you just run this command will cp all files to the point folder and no need to tar.

cp -rp * /path/directory/to/copy
cp -rp feedback /usr/local/www/apache22/data/

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nginx Logrotated

ok here i wanted to share nginx logrotated run in RHEL. I run this script because iam using Dimdim with nginx engine and it store a huge log file.

Script for nginx logrotate.

Logs is located at /usr/local/dimdim/nginx/logs
Add nginx file and edit or add at /etc/logrotate.d

copy & paste this script

/usr/local/dimdim/nginx/logs/*.log {

rotate 9
kill -USR1 `cat /usr/local/dimdim/nginx/logs/nginx.pid`



add rules at crontab so it can be run in time you set for the log

# rotating logrotate
59 23 * * * root /usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf


Installing OCS agent in Windows N Unix and FreeBSD

Ok here what i do when i installing OCS agent for OCS inventory server

Installing Ocsinventory agent in unix / linux

in linux we need to use / and download source at http://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/index.php?page=1-02

and installing using tar methods using tar -xzvf

and than running

perl Makefile.pl


make install

if have problem when installing ocs and need perl module try to install CPAN

installing CPAN

just type cpan on your shell

after you installing CPAN try to installing perl modules using this CPAN


cpan> install LWM::UserAgent

Installing Ocsinventory agent in FreeBSD.

Install agent using /usr/ports/net_mngmt

make && make install

running ocsinventory -d -l or ocsinventory -d -l

Also you can use tar.gz running on linux installer too the step of installing just follow the linux step.

after done the OCS will prompt some question regarding your system / server.

Small Linux in town!

The are too many Linux Distro out there so when i googling some open source forum i found this and i like to share with you guys some info of this linux

It is "SLAX 6"

It's 32 bit X86 based Linux platform.
It's ultra portable , it has only 190MB,
included all basic tools and ultilities.
Lots of softwares support too.

The awesome features are:

1. It can be boot from USB thumbdrive, CD, and Harddisk.

2. Install softwares by "Copy And Paste". No headache on installing softwares, drivers, etc...
Because you just need to find and download softwares (known as Modules) in Slax.org website, and paste it in the folder "Module".

3. Support many softwares, eg: Avast Antivirus, FireFox, VLC player, Messenger, Open Office, Flash Player, J2RE, media codec...

4. Multi Language supported. Can switch OS language. Chinese display/input available.

5. Read and Write NTFS, FAT, FAT32, formatted Harddisk/Flash Disk.

6. Easy to use, fast, compact, reliable, compatible, stable, secure, portable...

It's best to use as alternative OS, and back up agent when you can't load Windows at all.

more more info logon "http://www.slax.org/"

Is up!!!

Finally i already up my tech blog for me to store all script and job what have i done before. This blog will be my reference or for you if have any problem and still search the solution.

And maybe my blog will help you a lot.

